Okay. I have decided to push back my graduation date until April of 2010. Another year. Ugh. I just don't have the finances to go for the summer. It stinks. On the bright side, I'll get more work experience this way. But I have such a huge load of classes that I still need to take. It makes me wonder what the hell I've been doing this past year. Sitting on my ass apparently. Whatev.
So I had a complete breakdown. Went ballistic and kept crying and all that good stuff. I think it was due. I've never had one before anyway. Pat is so sweet and just grins and bears it. An then tells me, "It's because you can't control the future. Before we got married you didn't have to worry about anything but working. Now you have to worry about me, work, school, and life in general and you can't control any of those things." My dad had said to me a few months ago, "If YOU did everything YOU could, then there's nothing to worry about. YOU can only control what YOU do and as long as YOU do everything YOU possibly can, you'll be fine. Relax. "
So...I've taken the metaphorical "chill pill" and tried not to worry about the things I can't control. It's so hard, cuz if you really knew me, I like to have everything planned out and organized. And you can't really plan or organize the future.