Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Summer 2009

Alas, I have no pics, and not much of a story to tell about this summer. Seeing as how we both were unemployed for half of it, which left us with no funds for extras.

So....the good part of this oh so sad story is that all of our bills are paid and we have started accumulating a little cushion cash. I'm hoping that this whole "move-in-with-the-parents-so-we-can-save-a-bunch-of-money" plan works out. I know it's only been a month and a half, but remember that I'm also impatient.

Plus, with our student grants and loans, we have been in talks with Pat's brother, Ben, and his wife, Cherie, about taking a trip down to Las Vegas. It's super cheap, super close, and would be a nice little vacay before school really starts.

I think it'll also be neat to go down to the family reunion that the family on my mom's side has. Ahh...the Palmer Reunion. One word: Interesting. But I guess it'll be cool to see all of my family from AZ. I can't wait to hang out with my cousin Kari. She's the best. AND my mom has planned out this whole "Amazing Race" day of events which should be totally flippin' sweet!

I guess that while my summer didn't amount to much, the next few months should hold some very cool and enjoyable events in them.


Temple Work

So I had the opportunity to go to the Provo Temple today with the sisters of my ward. It was so nice to get to know and talk with them. To be honest, I haven't been back to the Temple since I got married, except for my brother-in-laws wedding, and even then, I was only in the sealing room. I know, I'm lame. I feel pretty lame. Anyway, enough pity party.

I had a really good time and loved being with wonderful women. I don't know about you, but I always get nervous when I go to the Temple because I'm so afraid I'll mess up and completely bungle something so important. And then I go and realize how much I psych myself out. It's laughable, really.

So I went and did initiatories today. It was exactly what I needed right now in my life. To be reminded of my role in Heavenly Father's grand plan. To remind me that, while my husband is the Patriarch of our family, I am the Matriarch. Him Priest, me Priestess. And that without one another, we wouldn't be able to achieve much of anything. Kinda moot, ya know? I always say that God has a quirky sense of humor. TRULY!

I also was reminded that I'm a good person and am blessed for being able to carry out a good work. To be able to enter into Heavenly Father's house and do his holy work. That I'm worthy of his love.

I'm always reminded of the many ways Heavenly Father blesses my life.

The Cutest Memorables EVER!

I saw a Post on my friend Whitney Whiting's blog and thought I'd check it out. Turns out it was about this way cute trinkets website. I think the items are to die for and can't wait until I can buy something from there. Here's the web address for all interested: http://thevintagepearl.com/