Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


So me and Pat have been in talks about which schools he should apply to for his Master's Degree and these are the top Schools for Paleontology. Starting with Top Ranked School, University of Chicago, then the other schools he's interested in, Harvard, Berkeley, and the University of Texas.

University of Chicago

Harvard University

University of California - Berkeley

University of Texas - Houston

We're really hoping and praying for Chicago. Not because of the cold weather, which we don't like at all, but because the opportunities and benefits far outshine the other schools we've looked into.

Wish us luck! We'll hopefully be applying in December and we'd love all the blessings we can get.


Back to School!

The exclamation point at the end of the title is more sarcasm than sincerity.

Well, I haven't written anything in a while. So...August was interesting (Understatement of the Century!), but the gory details are a little to personal for me to go publicly with so I'll leave it at, Me and Pat are doing okay.

Sorry about the teaser there. Anyway, I started back to school on the 26th of August, which made for an interesting start to the semester. I have to take 18 credits this semester and 18 credits next semester to graduate by April of 2010. That means I'm taking 7 class now and I'll probably be taking 7 class next semester. It stinks. NOT only do I have to take 7 classes, I have an internship that takes up my mornings and I'm in an advanced mediation class. So that means that I am a mentor for all the beginning mediation students. Yay fun.

Well, after spending the $600 plus+++ dollars on REQUIRED text books (Yes, a rent payment.) I got crackin on my homework. Now, if you really knew me, you'd know that I'm not unlike the 4 billion or so people out there who also STRONGLY dislike homework. But, I've been revamping my study and work habits to be more productive and I've figured out that, if I can turn in most of the homework assigned on the syllabi at the beginning of the semester, then I'm home free for the next 4 months. Yipee! So, I've started reading all the books and writing all the position papers for my Race and Minority Relations class, typed all the briefs for my Laws of Evidence class, completed all the tutorials and projects for my Computer Applications class, and pretty much drafted all the assignments for my Business Management class. The only thing I have to do for the rest of the semester is mentor/mediate and turn in weekly postings, and work.

I am, however, really starting to get pissed with my American Government professor. I spent a lot of money on the damn textbook and haven't used it once. Every class period is him (A Liberal Democrat Mormon, which he makes a point of announcing every 5 minutes) on his soapbox attempting to get the class to side with his and Obama's policies. I swear to Heaven above that I might turn into the person on the grassy knoll and shoot his ass. Yeah. I'm that upset. I hate that I'm paying to have someone constantly pursuade me to think a certain way instead of doing his job and lecturing me about the founding principles of this country. GRRRR!

Anyway. Pat's doing great. We were waiting until the end of the summer to see if he could get his old job at the museum back, but no luck. So he has decided to apply to any interesting jobs that come up on the BYU job board. He is taking 5 classes this semester and is so lucky he hasn't had to purchase any books. He sucks. Yeah. So his class load isn't too bad and he is enjoying his last semester of school.

Although, this whole situation puts me in a not-so-happy state of being and I feel bad for anyone who's been around me lately. I love and am grateful that I have a job, but I only work 12 hours a week,, which is nothing AND I do it all with a full class load and outside of school obligations. I'm a machine, as my husband once reffered to me, but that doesn't mean that I don't respond to it like a human. It's been hell on me and really hard on mine and Pat's relationship, but we're working on it and hope that the year passes quickly.

The Cutest Memorables EVER!

I saw a Post on my friend Whitney Whiting's blog and thought I'd check it out. Turns out it was about this way cute trinkets website. I think the items are to die for and can't wait until I can buy something from there. Here's the web address for all interested: http://thevintagepearl.com/