Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


So me and Pat have been in talks about which schools he should apply to for his Master's Degree and these are the top Schools for Paleontology. Starting with Top Ranked School, University of Chicago, then the other schools he's interested in, Harvard, Berkeley, and the University of Texas.

University of Chicago

Harvard University

University of California - Berkeley

University of Texas - Houston

We're really hoping and praying for Chicago. Not because of the cold weather, which we don't like at all, but because the opportunities and benefits far outshine the other schools we've looked into.

Wish us luck! We'll hopefully be applying in December and we'd love all the blessings we can get.


  1. oh man.. Texas weather is HORRIBLE!! I hope I never ever have to live there! Its always soooo muggy.. like you walk out side and you can barely breathe! And then it will be raining hard core one minute.. and 2 minutes later be hot and sunny. Heck no..lol.. I hope you guys get Chicago!! Keep us posted!! And I hope you L-O-V-E snow!!

  2. Eric went to Chicago on his mission. He loved it there! It was super cold but there were a lot of neat places to visit and things to do. Most of which he wasn't allowed to because he was a missionary. Good luck and I know you guys will do great wherever you go! Love you!

  3. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you guys!


The Cutest Memorables EVER!

I saw a Post on my friend Whitney Whiting's blog and thought I'd check it out. Turns out it was about this way cute trinkets website. I think the items are to die for and can't wait until I can buy something from there. Here's the web address for all interested: http://thevintagepearl.com/