Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


"I'm not an idolater, but I totally worship Mr. Clean."

Just a short blip blog...I've been cleaning the apartment a little bit at a time so that there won't be so much to clean when we move. I went to the store and bought some of those Magic Eraser sponges by Mr. Clean. I had never used them before and was shocked at how well they actually worked. I definitely love the sponges with the Febreeze side, they make everything smell so nice.

So, yeah....I totally love Mr. Clean. Those sponges kick trash!

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The Cutest Memorables EVER!

I saw a Post on my friend Whitney Whiting's blog and thought I'd check it out. Turns out it was about this way cute trinkets website. I think the items are to die for and can't wait until I can buy something from there. Here's the web address for all interested: http://thevintagepearl.com/