Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers



Well, me and Pat decided to stay here in Utah for Thanksgiving. Not like we had very many options, seeing as how we're so poor. But it was a pretty good Thanksgiving, as far as Thanksgivings go. My sisters' fiances came over and participated in the day's festivities. The day before, my sister-in-law Cherie and I watched Pat and his brother Ben play football. I guess "turkey-bowl" is quite the thing to do on Thanksgiving. Something, growing up in a house full of girls, I wasn't aware of. Overall, we had lots of turkey and lots of fun.

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The Cutest Memorables EVER!

I saw a Post on my friend Whitney Whiting's blog and thought I'd check it out. Turns out it was about this way cute trinkets website. I think the items are to die for and can't wait until I can buy something from there. Here's the web address for all interested: http://thevintagepearl.com/