*Now, if you knew Pat, you'd know that he LOVES corn dogs,

So....I take a bite of one corn dog and it's a Jalepeno corndog. I

Well, he took a cautious bite of another corndog and it was jalepeno too. I thought that maybe the other 2 (There were 4 total.) were regular. I bit into those and they were also jalepeno. It was a major bummer and sucked because they were in regular packages. Pat's hopes for a corndog were dashed. Yup.

So we decided to go back to the station and swap them for regular ones only to discover that they didn't have any. We just got our money back and drove home. Talk about a ruined outing. We ended up just watching movies all night.
This 4th of July we didn't do anything SPECTACULAR because it rained. And it was all clear on Friday and Satur-DAY. Then the rain clouds rolled in and it came down hard. Yeah. No fireworks.

We did cook some bbq pork chops with mashed potatoes and corn. It was really good. We played games all day and relaxed. By-the-way, my sister Candace is in ALL of the pictures. It's on purpose. You know how there's always that 1 person who's in all of the photos,all-be-it inadvertently? Yeah, we had fun.
Oh, and then we beat up my sister Clarissa. Just for the hell of it. *Tee hee*

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