Yeah. Me and Pat dressed up. I had made our costumes this year. It didn't start out that way though. My sister Clarissa is a Theater major at SUU, so one of the classes she gets to take has something to do with making costumes. Yeah. It's pretty nifty. Anyway, she volunteered to make us whatever costumes we wanted and, of course, Pat chose Link from The Legend of Zelda. (Huge Gamer, my husband)
This would have worked out great because, as I wanted to go as a couple, I could be Zelda. YAY! She's hot. Well, I started doing some research on her costume and discovered that, to make: MONTHS! and to buy: $300+. YIKES! So I talked Pat into going as something else. That "something else" wasn't to be decided until 2 days before Halloween and it was such a simple costume. Although, it wasn't anything ordinary that inspired him.
We got Netflix recently. Not that we have ANY time to watch a lot of movies, but it's 4.99 a month so when we do have time, we can watch a dvd or two.
Anyway, back to the story, we were watching all kinds of movies instantly online on Thursday evening, after we got home from school and discovered we didn't have to work on homework (Yay! A reprieve!) Well, one of the movies we watched was Interview With The Vampire starring Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise (and Antonio Banderes). So we watch this and Pat gets inspired. He decided that he would like to be a vampire as well. Boring you're thinking, right? No. Not Pat's way, at least. He decided that he should have cool makeup, to look dead but not like a ghost. And, after trying to tame his poof of curls, suggests that I put my hair extensions in his hair. All the more to look like "Sexy Brad Pitt". Yes, he fully admits that he thinks Brad Pitt is a Sexy Man in that movie.
So I put in the extensions. Yeah. My hubbs is a cross dresser. However, his bone structure (superb as it is) would never allow him to cross that threshold. He's too damn masculine. I have pics. You decide. I think he looks sufficiently sinister (and sexy).
I, on the other hand, to inspiration from Martha Stewart's Halloween magazine and decided to be the Gray Lady. It was a fairly easy costume, with the exception of all the hand stitching I had to do because I don't own a sewing machine. I now have a greater appreciation for all the seamstresses and dress makers of long ago, before sewing machines.
Anyway, we got dressed up and went trick-or-treating on Halloween and had many a good laugh. One, because we were the only adults dressed up and trick-or-treating and Two, because of all the drunk people we encountered. Who, by-the-way, made fun of us. Interesting, right?