Pat keeps asking me if winter is over yet and I just keep tellin' him that it snows her clear until the end of April. So yay us. It is beautiful though isn't it?
Spring Downer
So. Do you remember that FABULOUS weather I was talking about earlier? Where I talked about the daffodils and sunshine and spring? Well, this is what I woke up to 2 days later.....
I know. You're thinking...."It doesn't look like anything." Right? Well this is what it looks like AFTER all that white mist (Clouds) lifts.....
Yes. There was a big huge mountain behind that white blob. And it was covered in snow. I was grinding my teeth when I woke up and saw that. And all while I was sick too. It sucked. AND...the poor daffodils right outside my door were all buried in snow. I think I'll post pics of them later.
Pat keeps asking me if winter is over yet and I just keep tellin' him that it snows her clear until the end of April. So yay us. It is beautiful though isn't it?
Pat keeps asking me if winter is over yet and I just keep tellin' him that it snows her clear until the end of April. So yay us. It is beautiful though isn't it?
My Hunnybump
What is his name? Patrick
How long have you been together? As of April 7, 2009.....10 months
How long did you date? 3 months
How old is he? 24
Who eats more? Sometimes I feel like I do, but he snacks all day.
Who said I love you first? He did....technically. It was more in the form of, "What would you do if I told you I loved you?" I think this was about a month and a half into dating.
Who is taller? He is... by 3/4 of an inch.
Who can sing better? He can. Definitely. But he keeps telling me that I have a beautiful
Who is smarter?'s a tie. But sometimes I say some pretty retarded things. Of course, sometimes he DOES some pretty retarded things.
Who does the laundry? I do. But he'll help me sometimes if I have to do something else.
Who pays the bills? We both do. I just make more money right now.
Who sleeps on the right side? He does. I like to cuddle and made him switch for a night to see what would happen. He hasn't slept on the left side since.
Who mows the lawn? We live in an apartment. The maintenance guys I guess.
Who cooks dinner? We help each other out most of the time.
Who drives? Me. Occasionally I don't feel like driving so I make him, but I can't stand his California driving.
Who is more stubborn? Me.
Who kissed who first? I kissed him. It was his first time too.
Who asked who out first? I did. It was more to hang out than date. He asked me on our first date.
Who proposed? Well. I'd like to think I did first. I told him a month before he actually proposed that I loved him, he was the one, and that he'd better propose because I wasn't going to. Then he proposed.
Who has more friends? Friends? What friends? We are full time students. We barely have time for each other.
Who is more sensitive? Tie. But I'm more emotional.
Who has more siblings? Him. We both have 3 siblings-him 3 brothers, me 3 sisters. But he has step and adopted siblings.
Who wears the pants? He does. But we pretty much decide everything together.
How long have you been together? As of April 7, 2009.....10 months
How long did you date? 3 months
How old is he? 24
Who eats more? Sometimes I feel like I do, but he snacks all day.
Who said I love you first? He did....technically. It was more in the form of, "What would you do if I told you I loved you?" I think this was about a month and a half into dating.
Who is taller? He is... by 3/4 of an inch.
Who can sing better? He can. Definitely. But he keeps telling me that I have a beautiful
Who is smarter?'s a tie. But sometimes I say some pretty retarded things. Of course, sometimes he DOES some pretty retarded things.
Who does the laundry? I do. But he'll help me sometimes if I have to do something else.
Who pays the bills? We both do. I just make more money right now.
Who sleeps on the right side? He does. I like to cuddle and made him switch for a night to see what would happen. He hasn't slept on the left side since.
Who mows the lawn? We live in an apartment. The maintenance guys I guess.
Who cooks dinner? We help each other out most of the time.
Who drives? Me. Occasionally I don't feel like driving so I make him, but I can't stand his California driving.
Who is more stubborn? Me.
Who kissed who first? I kissed him. It was his first time too.
Who asked who out first? I did. It was more to hang out than date. He asked me on our first date.
Who proposed? Well. I'd like to think I did first. I told him a month before he actually proposed that I loved him, he was the one, and that he'd better propose because I wasn't going to. Then he proposed.
Who has more friends? Friends? What friends? We are full time students. We barely have time for each other.
Who is more sensitive? Tie. But I'm more emotional.
Who has more siblings? Him. We both have 3 siblings-him 3 brothers, me 3 sisters. But he has step and adopted siblings.
Who wears the pants? He does. But we pretty much decide everything together.
Sick=No Fun
So I've been sick for the past 3 days. Vomiting, headaches, nausea, etc. I thought I was pregnant for a second. Not that I don't use birth control, but you never know...Anyway, I took a pregnancy test and no baby. So I think I may have the flu. Which blows. Royally. I was stuck home on Wednesday vomiting and couldn't go to work. Then yesterday I had this headache that hurt so bad and wouldn't go away. I finally begged Pat to take me to the store to get Excedrin. I don't usually take anything stronger than Midol and I couldn't see very well so he had to drive. Today, I'm dealing with a sinus infection and nausea...again. Yay me.
I had this epiphany yesterday too. I have decided not to put off going to law school. I have been working as a paralegal for a few months now and have come to realize that, even with all of my knowledge and a Bachelor's Degree, I would still and forever just be a glorified secretary/assistant. I am not going to school to be a secretary for the rest of my life. I honestly thought I could be happy. I love the law and logic and form but I can't take not having control and authority. I have come to learn that I have inherited the trait that makes me want to be my own boss from my parents. My dad is an entepreneur and my mother is a lawyer. I'm not saying I have a problem with others' authority over me, I can be a team player. I've just decided that I have to have my own authority. So I have decided to go to law school next year.
My mom says the hardest part is getting in, but once you're in it's all about "just passing". My motto with school is basically that. "As long as I pass." Now I just have to worry about getting a REALLY good score on my LSAT and raising my GPA a little bit higher. I am looking into classes for the LSAT I plan to take in June. Yikes! I so don't know how I'll manage that with all the classes I'm taking this summer and it's freakin' expensive. Then comes the applying to law schools phase. Which costs an arm and a leg as well. Then there's the wait. I really am going to hope, pray, and fast that I get into BYU. The only catch to all of MY plans are Pat's plans. I still don't know what school he plans to go to for his Master's. He'll graduate this December, like me, and then start on his Master's Degree next year too.
I feel so bummed out because I was really looking forward to getting a job, working, and having kids and now, I just don't see that happening for a couple more years. It's extremely hard to know this because I have no patience. I'm not lying. NONE. At all. To make matters worse, we're in a YOUNG family ward where everyone is constantly having a baby or getting pregnant or buying a house AND all of the aforementioned. I hate waiting. Remember, NOT PATIENT. I told Pat that it's like having a truffle in my hand and not being able to eat it. It's something I want really bad, have the ability to get/have, and yet can't. It pisses me off.
I had this epiphany yesterday too. I have decided not to put off going to law school. I have been working as a paralegal for a few months now and have come to realize that, even with all of my knowledge and a Bachelor's Degree, I would still and forever just be a glorified secretary/assistant. I am not going to school to be a secretary for the rest of my life. I honestly thought I could be happy. I love the law and logic and form but I can't take not having control and authority. I have come to learn that I have inherited the trait that makes me want to be my own boss from my parents. My dad is an entepreneur and my mother is a lawyer. I'm not saying I have a problem with others' authority over me, I can be a team player. I've just decided that I have to have my own authority. So I have decided to go to law school next year.
My mom says the hardest part is getting in, but once you're in it's all about "just passing". My motto with school is basically that. "As long as I pass." Now I just have to worry about getting a REALLY good score on my LSAT and raising my GPA a little bit higher. I am looking into classes for the LSAT I plan to take in June. Yikes! I so don't know how I'll manage that with all the classes I'm taking this summer and it's freakin' expensive. Then comes the applying to law schools phase. Which costs an arm and a leg as well. Then there's the wait. I really am going to hope, pray, and fast that I get into BYU. The only catch to all of MY plans are Pat's plans. I still don't know what school he plans to go to for his Master's. He'll graduate this December, like me, and then start on his Master's Degree next year too.
I feel so bummed out because I was really looking forward to getting a job, working, and having kids and now, I just don't see that happening for a couple more years. It's extremely hard to know this because I have no patience. I'm not lying. NONE. At all. To make matters worse, we're in a YOUNG family ward where everyone is constantly having a baby or getting pregnant or buying a house AND all of the aforementioned. I hate waiting. Remember, NOT PATIENT. I told Pat that it's like having a truffle in my hand and not being able to eat it. It's something I want really bad, have the ability to get/have, and yet can't. It pisses me off.
Yoga with my Hubby, this past Saturday me and Pat did yoga. Pat for the first time...EVER, and me for the first time in 6 years. I decided to start again because I LOVE yoga. Not pilates and not the stringent/super-aerobic kind. I do the Vinyasa flow series. It focuses more on poses and is slow and calming. The dvd that I have, Yoga Conditioning For Weight Loss, has four different people on the screen at different difficulties of all the poses so you can go from beginner to advanced.
It was so sad to do it and watch the advanced chick and think, "I used to be able to do that."Tear:( Pat, because he's amazing and is always so supportive, decided to be my yoga buddy. Talk a bout a couples activity. We had fun and felt pretty good afterward. I started doing yoga again because I'm also going on a diet. I have decided to do the Nutrisystem diet again. I did it in October and lost 15lbs...without exercise. It was AWESOME! So I have decide to finally lose the 80 extra pounds I've been carrying around for the past 5 years. Yeah. I weigh 230. My mom is always asking me why I tell people how much I weigh. You know, I figure I look fat so why play games with people and insult their intelligence? I'm okay with who I am on the inside and that's top on my list. Being okay with myself physically is icing on the cake. I suppose I also feel that, with me being only 23 and all, I shouldn't be like this. I'm young for crying out loud. I want to look it. Seriously, I get people all the time guessing I'm thirty+. It is kinda irritating.
So this is my goal. To lose 80lbs by September. I can't stand to be this weight much longer. I'll post pics when I take them of the "BEGINNING". I think I'll keep track of it all on a seperate blog. Maybe. I hear one blog is hard enough to maintain. We'll see. Here's to my babe. I love you you nudie man!
It was so sad to do it and watch the advanced chick and think, "I used to be able to do that."Tear:( Pat, because he's amazing and is always so supportive, decided to be my yoga buddy. Talk a bout a couples activity. We had fun and felt pretty good afterward. I started doing yoga again because I'm also going on a diet. I have decided to do the Nutrisystem diet again. I did it in October and lost 15lbs...without exercise. It was AWESOME! So I have decide to finally lose the 80 extra pounds I've been carrying around for the past 5 years. Yeah. I weigh 230. My mom is always asking me why I tell people how much I weigh. You know, I figure I look fat so why play games with people and insult their intelligence? I'm okay with who I am on the inside and that's top on my list. Being okay with myself physically is icing on the cake. I suppose I also feel that, with me being only 23 and all, I shouldn't be like this. I'm young for crying out loud. I want to look it. Seriously, I get people all the time guessing I'm thirty+. It is kinda irritating.
So this is my goal. To lose 80lbs by September. I can't stand to be this weight much longer. I'll post pics when I take them of the "BEGINNING". I think I'll keep track of it all on a seperate blog. Maybe. I hear one blog is hard enough to maintain. We'll see. Here's to my babe. I love you you nudie man!
You know, it's always a great sign that the end is in sight when you walk out of your door and there are daffodils blooming. The end of winter that is.
I am so ready to be done with winter right now. No more worrying if my truck will start, scraping my windows, warming my truck up a half hour before I leave ANYWHERE, DRIVING WITH RETARDED UTAH PEOPLE!!!, etc...This list could go on. I'm so happy to see the daffodils blooming. They're so vibrant and happy. I think the yellow has a little something to do with this. also means warm weather is so close. I so want to see a temperature high of 80. I might actually break a sweat.
It also means, unfortunately, that I have to watch all the lovely spring and summer days go by without relishing them and golfing. So sad. Oh well, that's what school does to a person. I can't wait until I'm done.
Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying their spring wherever they are.
I am so ready to be done with winter right now. No more worrying if my truck will start, scraping my windows, warming my truck up a half hour before I leave ANYWHERE, DRIVING WITH RETARDED UTAH PEOPLE!!!, etc...This list could go on. I'm so happy to see the daffodils blooming. They're so vibrant and happy. I think the yellow has a little something to do with this. also means warm weather is so close. I so want to see a temperature high of 80. I might actually break a sweat.
It also means, unfortunately, that I have to watch all the lovely spring and summer days go by without relishing them and golfing. So sad. Oh well, that's what school does to a person. I can't wait until I'm done.
Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying their spring wherever they are.

Yesterday, I had scheduled a tee time to go golfing at the golf course right next to my office building. Our firm, well whole building really, gets to golf there for free. Everything is for free. Which is music to my ears being a starving student and all. So me and Pat had a tee time for 3:20P. It was such a nice day out too. We get there and Pat rents a set of clubs because he golfs left handed. He's ambidextrous. Then we were off to the first whole. Pat couldn't figure out how to use his drivers. I tried to give him instruction. After about 10 minutes, another group comes along and asks if they can play through. We said sure. We waited about 15 minutes for them to make the green and then Pat tried again. Another ten minutes passed and another group came by and asked to play through. Again, we said sure. It continued like this until 4 groups had passed us. It made me want to hurry and really frustrated Pat, especially since it was his first time. We eventually made it to the third hole only to be approached by a group of 4 high school aged boys who asked if they could play through as well. I think that was the breaking point for Pat. After that he tried his hardest to hit his balls and with him being a lefty, it was a little difficult to give him instruction. But I did try. We stayed on the last groups butt the entire time. We enjoyed the scenery and the slopes. There was one hole that took us down the side of a mountain. It was pretty neat and I was so glad we had a cart. Anyway, we eventually made it to hole 8, after skipping hole 7 and had to wait for the 4th group that had passed us to tee off. They took forever. I think the drive to be done and go home was definitely a motivating factor. So we waited and then teed off. About half way down the fairway the high school boys drove up and notified us that we had skipped hole 7. We kindly informed them back that we knew, we were sucking, and that we were fine with that. They chuckled and went back to the tees. We got really good towards the end and were very proud of ourselves for making through all nine holes. We got home after that and were so dead tired. We just laughed, ate dinner, and laid down. That was pretty much the highlight of my afternoon. Yep.

My Spring Break is this week. However, BYU doesn't have a Spring Break, so my husband can't get off school to do anything with me. I am basically working and coming home and doing nothing. Well, me and him do play the occasional game of Skip Bo, but nothing too exciting.
Last night, I was actually so bored that I persuaded Pat to let me straighten his hair. He was so cute and willing. He even let me put some straightening creme in his hair. So I straightened half of his head and we both decided that 1) he looked really weird and 2) he wouldn't look good with straight hair. After I was done straightening his hair he was so typically male and himself when he asked in a very worried/serious tone, "Will it go back to normal or is my hair going to stay this way?" I had to laugh at him. I couldn't help it. I love love love this guy. I told him that his hair would return to its normal curliness when he got it wet again and he immediately jumped in the shower to wet his hair. As I was watching him stand there in the water with his head dunked in the shower's stream for like 5 minutes, he asks, "Is it okay now?" I can't believe the man I married. Always so concerned with how he looks. Jeesh! ;)! He is so freakin' adorable.
What do you think???
What do you think???
Missing Out
So...I really wanted to attend my ward's Relief Society Birthday Celebration last night. I had been planning to attend for 3 weeks and knew that I would be able to go because I didn't have my regularly scheduled class and had started spring break. I got home from work yesterday and Pat didn't say or do anything that he usually does. I didn't hear from him all night. Nothing. He just sat on our bed and played on his computer. I even went up to him and asked why he was ignoring me. He said he wasn't and he didn't realize that he was. I waited for him to say anything else and he didn't. For like 5 minutes.
So I walked out of the room and proceeded to clean the apartment. It didn't take very long. Kept me occupied for an hour or so. I felt a little hungry so I made a Homestyle Bake. They're so easy and taste really good. Plus, they only take about a half hour to bake. Perfect. I went and picked out a book to read. Which is always a little hard to do because I've read so many books but can't remember all of the titles. It kinda sucks when I get about 10 to 20 pages into the book and realize I've read it before. So I picked one I hadn't read, thank goodness, and timed my Bake with how many pages I read. I generally read about 50 to 60 pages in 30 I just read to about 60 pages. It was perfect timing. I served myself, as Pat was still busy on his computer, and let it cool for a bit and went back to reading my book. I ended up eating and myself. It wasn't until later that Pat emerged from our bedroom, ate, thanked me for cleaning the kitchen, and stood next to me.....silent. It's a little irritating sometimes. He asked me what my book was about and I HAD to explain it to him.
***Just a Note***My husband is a rare gem. He actually read the WHOLE Twilight series with me. I wanted to know what all the fuss was and told him I wanted to buy them. But I never got around to it. So we were at the Gateway mall in SLC and were walking around in Barnes and Noble and saw the series. He bought the first two books, but told me that they were my Christmas present and that I couldn't read them. Jerk. I was able to pursuade him to let me read them by telling him that he could read them with me. He agreed, because he was interested in them too and thought it would be a great couple's activity for us. Of course, he's never seen me in action. I mean reading. I read REALLY fast. Actually, I kinda do this thing where I'll re-read every page to try to get a better visual in my head. You'd think it would take me twice as long, but it doesn't. Yeah. I read THAT fast. I can totally believe and testify that the more books you read, the faster you read. Truly. Anyway, I jumped a book ahead of him while we were reading the series, but we still enjoyed them together. It was kind of nice to discuss what I was reading with someone of the opposite sex.
So, back to my day....ever since the whole "Twillight" experience, he has wanted to know what the books I read are about, and I can't help but want to discuss them with him. He learns so much, I learn so much, and we both enjoy the experience. So I told him what my book was about. Even though I was pissed at him. We talked for about 15 or 20 mins. It's always these little things that help remind me why I married the guy. I love him. A lot. We eventually went back to the bedroom and, well, you know....did what married people do. Although, as I've read in many marriage magazines, we are an EXTREMELY healthy couple. This based on how often during a month we have intimate relations.
***Side Note***This reminds me of the first issue of The Nest that we got. I had subscribed to The Knot when I was getting married and after, I received a complimentary copy of The Nest. Which is for married couples. Me and Pat were VERY active our first, oh, 6 months. It talked about a healthy couple having intimate relations about 5 times a month. Me and Pat read this and burst out laughing. He looked at his watch and said, very candidly, "We filled our monthly quota....and it's not even 5:00 yet." Just a funny thought. (Sorry if it's an overshare, but I'm sure you can remember when you were first married too.)
Well, that was my day yesterday. It wan't until I was at work this morning that I remembered about the Relief Society thing. I was so angry. Because of school, I haven't been able to do anything in our ward. I was so looking forward to doing something. For once. It was kind of a damper on my day today. Plus, I also forgot about the corned beef and cabbage that I wanted to make. We went out to dinner with my parents tonight and my mom was talking about the corned beef and cabbage she had yesterday. I just gave her a look and she laughed at me and said it was really good. She sucks. Ah well, maybe some other time.
So I walked out of the room and proceeded to clean the apartment. It didn't take very long. Kept me occupied for an hour or so. I felt a little hungry so I made a Homestyle Bake. They're so easy and taste really good. Plus, they only take about a half hour to bake. Perfect. I went and picked out a book to read. Which is always a little hard to do because I've read so many books but can't remember all of the titles. It kinda sucks when I get about 10 to 20 pages into the book and realize I've read it before. So I picked one I hadn't read, thank goodness, and timed my Bake with how many pages I read. I generally read about 50 to 60 pages in 30 I just read to about 60 pages. It was perfect timing. I served myself, as Pat was still busy on his computer, and let it cool for a bit and went back to reading my book. I ended up eating and myself. It wasn't until later that Pat emerged from our bedroom, ate, thanked me for cleaning the kitchen, and stood next to me.....silent. It's a little irritating sometimes. He asked me what my book was about and I HAD to explain it to him.
***Just a Note***My husband is a rare gem. He actually read the WHOLE Twilight series with me. I wanted to know what all the fuss was and told him I wanted to buy them. But I never got around to it. So we were at the Gateway mall in SLC and were walking around in Barnes and Noble and saw the series. He bought the first two books, but told me that they were my Christmas present and that I couldn't read them. Jerk. I was able to pursuade him to let me read them by telling him that he could read them with me. He agreed, because he was interested in them too and thought it would be a great couple's activity for us. Of course, he's never seen me in action. I mean reading. I read REALLY fast. Actually, I kinda do this thing where I'll re-read every page to try to get a better visual in my head. You'd think it would take me twice as long, but it doesn't. Yeah. I read THAT fast. I can totally believe and testify that the more books you read, the faster you read. Truly. Anyway, I jumped a book ahead of him while we were reading the series, but we still enjoyed them together. It was kind of nice to discuss what I was reading with someone of the opposite sex.
So, back to my day....ever since the whole "Twillight" experience, he has wanted to know what the books I read are about, and I can't help but want to discuss them with him. He learns so much, I learn so much, and we both enjoy the experience. So I told him what my book was about. Even though I was pissed at him. We talked for about 15 or 20 mins. It's always these little things that help remind me why I married the guy. I love him. A lot. We eventually went back to the bedroom and, well, you know....did what married people do. Although, as I've read in many marriage magazines, we are an EXTREMELY healthy couple. This based on how often during a month we have intimate relations.
***Side Note***This reminds me of the first issue of The Nest that we got. I had subscribed to The Knot when I was getting married and after, I received a complimentary copy of The Nest. Which is for married couples. Me and Pat were VERY active our first, oh, 6 months. It talked about a healthy couple having intimate relations about 5 times a month. Me and Pat read this and burst out laughing. He looked at his watch and said, very candidly, "We filled our monthly quota....and it's not even 5:00 yet." Just a funny thought. (Sorry if it's an overshare, but I'm sure you can remember when you were first married too.)
Well, that was my day yesterday. It wan't until I was at work this morning that I remembered about the Relief Society thing. I was so angry. Because of school, I haven't been able to do anything in our ward. I was so looking forward to doing something. For once. It was kind of a damper on my day today. Plus, I also forgot about the corned beef and cabbage that I wanted to make. We went out to dinner with my parents tonight and my mom was talking about the corned beef and cabbage she had yesterday. I just gave her a look and she laughed at me and said it was really good. She sucks. Ah well, maybe some other time.
The Month of March...
My dad and sister Candace's b-days were on the 1st and 2nd of March. Me and Pat went and spent the weekend with my family and partied. Like we usually do. We had lots of tournaments on the Wii and had some really good pork ribs. It was very fun. I still can't believe my youngest sister is 17. I feel so old.
I forgot to mention that I finally got the job with the law firm I wanted to intern at, in February. It's really great and everyone is so nice. They have a lawyer for every different kind of law. I really hope that I can stay on with them after graduation. Plus, if I have a baby, they're really cool about letting people work from home. It's totally flippin' sweet. I absolutely love my supervisor too. I'll have to get the whole firm together to take a group picture that I can post on here.
I'm looking forward to St. Patty's Day tomorrow. I think I would like to try my hand at cooking corned beef and cabbage. Just for the hell of it. Plus, Pat keeps asking me what I'm gonna do for him. I was like, "It's not like it's your birthday." and he simply replies, "If we were Catholic, it would be." He's such a smart ass. I love him to pieces.
I forgot to mention that I finally got the job with the law firm I wanted to intern at, in February. It's really great and everyone is so nice. They have a lawyer for every different kind of law. I really hope that I can stay on with them after graduation. Plus, if I have a baby, they're really cool about letting people work from home. It's totally flippin' sweet. I absolutely love my supervisor too. I'll have to get the whole firm together to take a group picture that I can post on here.
I'm looking forward to St. Patty's Day tomorrow. I think I would like to try my hand at cooking corned beef and cabbage. Just for the hell of it. Plus, Pat keeps asking me what I'm gonna do for him. I was like, "It's not like it's your birthday." and he simply replies, "If we were Catholic, it would be." He's such a smart ass. I love him to pieces.
The Month of February...
Ummm.....let's see. My sister Cait's b-day was on the 2nd. She turned 20. Very exciting for her. Valentine's day was pretty good. Me and Pat took each other out to breakfast at Denny's (his favorite). It was blizzarding out, so we couldn't really do anything outdoors. We just went home and chilled.
I had a major scare with appendicitis on the 19th. I went to the emergency room because my lower abdomen hurt. I had consulted with my mom, who is my unofficial doctor, and she said I probably just had a UTI and that they'd give me some antibiotics for it. So I get there and they have me do a urine test. That comes back negative, so my doctor tells me that it might be a yeast infection and that she'll have to swab me. GREAT!! I hadn't taken a shower and had never let anyone but my husband see me down there. And it was 9 in the morning. It wasn't too bad but the poking around she did hurt like a bitch. So she said that it might be an ovarian cyst that ruptured or it could be appendicitis. She then had me do blood tests. My results came back and, because my white blood cell count was so high, She thought I definitely had appendicitis and sent me over to the hospital to have a CT scan.
Now, if you know me, I absolutely HATE surgery. Of any kind. If I can see what's going on, I'm fine. It's when I can't see that I freak out.
So, I have the CT scan done. It was so horrible. On the plus side, the doctors were really nice. When the results came back it was determined that I didn't have appendicitis. A few ovarian cysts, but nothing major. So I went back to my doctor and she said that we'd have to start back at base 1. Fantastic. So she prescribed me some antibiotics for a UTI and I went home. The next day I felt substantially better. I gues it was just a UTI after all. All that, and it was so simple in the end. Go figure.
Just a pic of the bruises left on my arms after the many attempts to put in an IV needle. Both arms had bruises. They hurt so bad and didn't go away for, like, 2 weeks.
I had a major scare with appendicitis on the 19th. I went to the emergency room because my lower abdomen hurt. I had consulted with my mom, who is my unofficial doctor, and she said I probably just had a UTI and that they'd give me some antibiotics for it. So I get there and they have me do a urine test. That comes back negative, so my doctor tells me that it might be a yeast infection and that she'll have to swab me. GREAT!! I hadn't taken a shower and had never let anyone but my husband see me down there. And it was 9 in the morning. It wasn't too bad but the poking around she did hurt like a bitch. So she said that it might be an ovarian cyst that ruptured or it could be appendicitis. She then had me do blood tests. My results came back and, because my white blood cell count was so high, She thought I definitely had appendicitis and sent me over to the hospital to have a CT scan.
Now, if you know me, I absolutely HATE surgery. Of any kind. If I can see what's going on, I'm fine. It's when I can't see that I freak out.
So, I have the CT scan done. It was so horrible. On the plus side, the doctors were really nice. When the results came back it was determined that I didn't have appendicitis. A few ovarian cysts, but nothing major. So I went back to my doctor and she said that we'd have to start back at base 1. Fantastic. So she prescribed me some antibiotics for a UTI and I went home. The next day I felt substantially better. I gues it was just a UTI after all. All that, and it was so simple in the end. Go figure.
Just a pic of the bruises left on my arms after the many attempts to put in an IV needle. Both arms had bruises. They hurt so bad and didn't go away for, like, 2 weeks.
The Month of January...
Well. January was kinda lame. I was having issues at work because my boss cut me back to 5 hours a week. It barely covered gas. So I had to give my 2 weeks notice. It was a huge decision because I hadn't found out yet whether or not I got the internship position I had applied for and Pat doesn't make much money. I was freaking out, thinking we would fall behind on our bills. Extremely stressful. However, I did have some vacation hours left, so I told my boss that I wanted to use those for my last 2 weeks and didn't have to work. It was great. It allowed me to get into the swing of a new semester. Having night classes is pretty nice, except for how late they run.
My birfday was on the 18th and on the weekend of MLK Day. So me and Pat basically had a 3 day weekend. Halelujah! Pat cooked me breakfast....French Toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon. It was really good and I'm so proud of my hunny for doing such a great job. Later that night, we went out to eat at my favorite pizza place with my family and just ate and talked for, like, 2 1/2 hours. My family gave me my birfday present, which was a really cool set of these fake candles that look like they're lit, but aren't really on fire. The rest of the weekend was just nice. We relaxed and hung out.

My man, hard at work. Me. Pasty in the mornings.

He was so proud of himself. My cake. I couldn't even eat half of it.

The rest of January was kind of uneventful.
My birfday was on the 18th and on the weekend of MLK Day. So me and Pat basically had a 3 day weekend. Halelujah! Pat cooked me breakfast....French Toast, scrambled eggs, and bacon. It was really good and I'm so proud of my hunny for doing such a great job. Later that night, we went out to eat at my favorite pizza place with my family and just ate and talked for, like, 2 1/2 hours. My family gave me my birfday present, which was a really cool set of these fake candles that look like they're lit, but aren't really on fire. The rest of the weekend was just nice. We relaxed and hung out.
My man, hard at work. Me. Pasty in the mornings.
He was so proud of himself. My cake. I couldn't even eat half of it.
The rest of January was kind of uneventful.
The Month of December...
So...December was loverly. Ummm, where to begin. The beginning of the month started out crappy. Me and Pat were freakin' out about finals and Ben's wedding and when to go down to California. It was super hectic. I so badly wanted to go and see the SLC Temple's lights, but never got the chance. We were so busy with work and school. On the upside, me and Pat were able to attend the "Body World" art exhibit in SLC. It was AMAZING but we couldn' take any pictures. Even if we did take pics, I don't know how many people would actually be able to stand the sight of human organs and corpses displayed so vividly.
We left for Arizona on the 19th, missing my mom's b-day. We went to Arizona to attend our nephew's baptism. It was so neat to be a part of that. It kinda reminded me of our nephew Gunner's baby blessing that we went to right after we got engaged. I was crying after watching Pat help bless his nephew and thinking that I couldn't wait for him to bless our babies. Yeah. I'm and emotional sap. Anyway. I felt really bad for leaving on my mom's b-day, but the baptism was the next the baptism we followed my father-in-law, Jim, and step-mother-in-law, Valerie, over to California. It was so much driving and all we wanted to do when we got there was sleep.
We had a couple of days before the wedding, so that was nice. We did some last minute Christmas shopping and hung out with Pat's family. Then the wedding was on. It was so neat being able to watch my brother-in-law get sealed and the whole time I kept thinking of mine and Pat's sealing. I can't wait for my sisters to experience that. It'll be a trip for sure.
We had a really great Christmas Day at Pat's Dad's house. We were the last to wake up and had to be yelled at to hurry so everyone could open their presents. We're all adults and still Pat's brothers act like the cutest little boys. Then we went over to Pat's Mom's house for Christmas Afternoon. She gave us some pretty fantastic gifts. I love the watch that she got me. I seriously wear it all the time, and I don't even like wearing watches. Also, me and Pat had been looking all over for a Christmas ornament with the year on it but cold not find one. Anywhere. So, to our surprise, Pat's momma gave us this really neat ornament with our names AND the date on it. It was perfect and Pat was so happy. That evening, we went over to Pat's best-friend-in-the-whole-world, Scott's house for Christmas Evening. I think Scott is so awesome and so is his family. I got to meet all of his relatives, played guitar hero and other games, and just got to relax and hang out with them. It was a really cool experience.
The next day we spent some time shopping and walking around. I was so glad that we got to spend time with my step-sister-in-law, Aleece and her husband Scott. She was about 6 months preggers, I think. She's so sweet and very funny.
Then it was time to head back to Utah. I can't believe that I went down to sunny California during the happiest time of the year and it rained most of the time. It was definitely a downer, but being around our family was what counted.
So, yeah....that was my December....
We left for Arizona on the 19th, missing my mom's b-day. We went to Arizona to attend our nephew's baptism. It was so neat to be a part of that. It kinda reminded me of our nephew Gunner's baby blessing that we went to right after we got engaged. I was crying after watching Pat help bless his nephew and thinking that I couldn't wait for him to bless our babies. Yeah. I'm and emotional sap. Anyway. I felt really bad for leaving on my mom's b-day, but the baptism was the next the baptism we followed my father-in-law, Jim, and step-mother-in-law, Valerie, over to California. It was so much driving and all we wanted to do when we got there was sleep.
We had a couple of days before the wedding, so that was nice. We did some last minute Christmas shopping and hung out with Pat's family. Then the wedding was on. It was so neat being able to watch my brother-in-law get sealed and the whole time I kept thinking of mine and Pat's sealing. I can't wait for my sisters to experience that. It'll be a trip for sure.
We had a really great Christmas Day at Pat's Dad's house. We were the last to wake up and had to be yelled at to hurry so everyone could open their presents. We're all adults and still Pat's brothers act like the cutest little boys. Then we went over to Pat's Mom's house for Christmas Afternoon. She gave us some pretty fantastic gifts. I love the watch that she got me. I seriously wear it all the time, and I don't even like wearing watches. Also, me and Pat had been looking all over for a Christmas ornament with the year on it but cold not find one. Anywhere. So, to our surprise, Pat's momma gave us this really neat ornament with our names AND the date on it. It was perfect and Pat was so happy. That evening, we went over to Pat's best-friend-in-the-whole-world, Scott's house for Christmas Evening. I think Scott is so awesome and so is his family. I got to meet all of his relatives, played guitar hero and other games, and just got to relax and hang out with them. It was a really cool experience.
The next day we spent some time shopping and walking around. I was so glad that we got to spend time with my step-sister-in-law, Aleece and her husband Scott. She was about 6 months preggers, I think. She's so sweet and very funny.
Then it was time to head back to Utah. I can't believe that I went down to sunny California during the happiest time of the year and it rained most of the time. It was definitely a downer, but being around our family was what counted.
So, yeah....that was my December....
The Month of November...
Well, I officially lost 15 pounds during October on my Nutrisystem diet. I'm kinda excited that I lost so much weight, but sad that we don't have enough money right now to continue doing it. I think I'll try doing it again this summer. Hopefully I can lose the 45 pounds I originally wanted to.
I really hope that my brother-in-law, Ben's, wedding goes well. I like his fiance Cherie a lot. She's very down to earth and laid back. I love that she's a ballroom dancer. Me and my sisters were joking that our plan is working out perfectly...Muahahahaha! We wanted all of our kids to do ballroom dancing as they grew up and thought it's perfect that we'll have Cherie to teach them. Yay!!!
I really hope that my brother-in-law, Ben's, wedding goes well. I like his fiance Cherie a lot. She's very down to earth and laid back. I love that she's a ballroom dancer. Me and my sisters were joking that our plan is working out perfectly...Muahahahaha! We wanted all of our kids to do ballroom dancing as they grew up and thought it's perfect that we'll have Cherie to teach them. Yay!!!
The Month of October...
Well, I am officially on my Nutrisystem diet. My mom has already lost 40 punds and I figured I'd give it a try. So I am hoping to lose about 10 to 15 pounds this month. We'll see how things go...My sister Clarissa turns 18 on the 4th. I can't believe it. Another 6 months and my baby sister will be 17. It's so weird to see them all grown up. And Clarissa will be going off to college next year. What a trip. I could have babies by then.....maybe not...but it could happen. Not much else going on. Halloween...which I can't dress up for because I have to work. Grrr.
The Month of September...
We started back to school this month. My family went down to Arizona for an annual family reunion on my mom's side. Me and Pat so badly wanted to go, but didn't have the funds, couldn't get off of work, and had to go to school. It was a major bummer. When my family got back they couldn't stop talking about all the fun they had. Apparently my mom's planning the reunion for next year. Yay! She said she wants to do an "Amazing Race" theme. It sounds like so much fun. I really hope me and Pat can go next year.
The Month of August....
Nothing SUPER SPECTACULAR happened this month. Pat's birfday was on the 12th and we did whatever he wanted to do. Which wasn't much of anything really. I made him breakfast and then we went to get the oil changed in both of our cars. Sounds exciting, huh? I bought the cake mix for his favorite cake, the white cake with the rainbow sprinkles in it and his favorite frosting....yep, the vanilla frosting with the rainbow sprinkles in it. He's so cute. We both were getting ready to head back to school after a very eventful summer. I can't wait until next summer. One Year and counting....

He sat on thecounter and helped me frost his cake, but all he did was eat the frosting.

He sat on thecounter and helped me frost his cake, but all he did was eat the frosting.

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The Cutest Memorables EVER!
I saw a Post on my friend Whitney Whiting's blog and thought I'd check it out. Turns out it was about this way cute trinkets website. I think the items are to die for and can't wait until I can buy something from there. Here's the web address for all interested: