Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Missing Out

So...I really wanted to attend my ward's Relief Society Birthday Celebration last night. I had been planning to attend for 3 weeks and knew that I would be able to go because I didn't have my regularly scheduled class and had started spring break. I got home from work yesterday and Pat didn't say or do anything that he usually does. I didn't hear from him all night. Nothing. He just sat on our bed and played on his computer. I even went up to him and asked why he was ignoring me. He said he wasn't and he didn't realize that he was. I waited for him to say anything else and he didn't. For like 5 minutes.

So I walked out of the room and proceeded to clean the apartment. It didn't take very long. Kept me occupied for an hour or so. I felt a little hungry so I made a Homestyle Bake. They're so easy and taste really good. Plus, they only take about a half hour to bake. Perfect. I went and picked out a book to read. Which is always a little hard to do because I've read so many books but can't remember all of the titles. It kinda sucks when I get about 10 to 20 pages into the book and realize I've read it before. So I picked one I hadn't read, thank goodness, and timed my Bake with how many pages I read. I generally read about 50 to 60 pages in 30 mins....so I just read to about 60 pages. It was perfect timing. I served myself, as Pat was still busy on his computer, and let it cool for a bit and went back to reading my book. I ended up eating and reading....by myself. It wasn't until later that Pat emerged from our bedroom, ate, thanked me for cleaning the kitchen, and stood next to me.....silent. It's a little irritating sometimes. He asked me what my book was about and I HAD to explain it to him.

***Just a Note***My husband is a rare gem. He actually read the WHOLE Twilight series with me. I wanted to know what all the fuss was and told him I wanted to buy them. But I never got around to it. So we were at the Gateway mall in SLC and were walking around in Barnes and Noble and saw the series. He bought the first two books, but told me that they were my Christmas present and that I couldn't read them. Jerk. I was able to pursuade him to let me read them by telling him that he could read them with me. He agreed, because he was interested in them too and thought it would be a great couple's activity for us. Of course, he's never seen me in action. I mean reading. I read REALLY fast. Actually, I kinda do this thing where I'll re-read every page to try to get a better visual in my head. You'd think it would take me twice as long, but it doesn't. Yeah. I read THAT fast. I can totally believe and testify that the more books you read, the faster you read. Truly. Anyway, I jumped a book ahead of him while we were reading the series, but we still enjoyed them together. It was kind of nice to discuss what I was reading with someone of the opposite sex.

So, back to my day....ever since the whole "Twillight" experience, he has wanted to know what the books I read are about, and I can't help but want to discuss them with him. He learns so much, I learn so much, and we both enjoy the experience. So I told him what my book was about. Even though I was pissed at him. We talked for about 15 or 20 mins. It's always these little things that help remind me why I married the guy. I love him. A lot. We eventually went back to the bedroom and, well, you know....did what married people do. Although, as I've read in many marriage magazines, we are an EXTREMELY healthy couple. This based on how often during a month we have intimate relations.

***Side Note***This reminds me of the first issue of The Nest that we got. I had subscribed to The Knot when I was getting married and after, I received a complimentary copy of The Nest. Which is for married couples. Me and Pat were VERY active our first, oh, 6 months. It talked about a healthy couple having intimate relations about 5 times a month. Me and Pat read this and burst out laughing. He looked at his watch and said, very candidly, "We filled our monthly quota....and it's not even 5:00 yet." Just a funny thought. (Sorry if it's an overshare, but I'm sure you can remember when you were first married too.)

Well, that was my day yesterday. It wan't until I was at work this morning that I remembered about the Relief Society thing. I was so angry. Because of school, I haven't been able to do anything in our ward. I was so looking forward to doing something. For once. It was kind of a damper on my day today. Plus, I also forgot about the corned beef and cabbage that I wanted to make. We went out to dinner with my parents tonight and my mom was talking about the corned beef and cabbage she had yesterday. I just gave her a look and she laughed at me and said it was really good. She sucks. Ah well, maybe some other time.

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The Cutest Memorables EVER!

I saw a Post on my friend Whitney Whiting's blog and thought I'd check it out. Turns out it was about this way cute trinkets website. I think the items are to die for and can't wait until I can buy something from there. Here's the web address for all interested: http://thevintagepearl.com/